
Join us for Sunday worship at 10 am


Our Focus for 2025

After a delicious meal together on January 26, 2025, St. John’s had our annual meeting.  We highlighted the past year while looking towards 2025.  We celebrated Kerith’s two and a half years with us as our interim minister.  We recognized those who work so hard behind the scenes: improving our physical indoor and outdoor spaces, welcoming others during our services and through community events, and of course, feeding ourselves with God’s word through book studies and retreats.  Several families with children joined us and are participating in our Youth Spiritual Foundation discussions with dedicated teachers.

Our theme for this coming year is Peace.  What does peace mean to us as individuals, as citizens of the world and as members of St. John’s.  We look forward to exploring this theme through sermons, book studies, retreats and outreach.

Come visit and see what we are doing!

The Holy Eucharist is the center of our common life and is celebrated three Sundays a month. One Sunday a month, we celebrate a lay-led service of morning prayer. A time of fellowship with coffee and treats follows each service. All are welcomed and encouraged to attend.         

On the first and third Sundays of the month, children ages 5+ are invited to join Youth Spiritual Formation (Sunday School) which takes place during the first half of the worship service. Children return to the sanctuary in time for Holy Communion. 

St. John’s Episcopal Church (on right) and its neighboring North Guilford Congregational Church (on left), together with the burial ground (foreground) at the brow of the hill (where the earliest gravestone is dated 1730), occupy Meeting House Hill which is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites. The two churches have also been listed among the most historically significant and beautiful churches in Connecticut.